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2010-01-03 18:35:41   来源:   点击:

    袋獾面部肿瘤病Devil facial tumour disease, DFTD)是感染袋獾的一种非病毒性传染性寄生肿瘤。该疾病的第一个“官方案例”于1996年出现在澳大利亚。在接下来的10年中,这一疾病使塔斯马尼亚州的野生袋獾数量大大减少,估计袋獾群体数量减少20%至50%,遍布占全州65%的范围。被感染的群体在12-18个月内的死亡率达100%。这一疾病主要集中在塔斯马尼亚州的东半部。




    1. ^ Findings on Origin of a Cancer in Tasmanian Devils,New York Times,2009年12月31日.于2009年12月31日查阅.原文:“The Tasmanian devil, the spaniel-size marsupial found on the Australian island of Tasmania, has been hurtling toward extinction in recent years, the victim of a bizarre and mysterious facial cancer that spreads like a plague.” 
    2. ^ DPIWE. 2005. Devil Facial Tumour Disease – Update June 2005
    3. ^ DPIWE. 2005. Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumor Disease, Disease Management Strategy
    4. ^ DPIWE. Disease Affecting Tasmanian Devils
    5. ^ Loh, Richmond. 2003. Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) facial tumour (DFT). Paper prepared for the Devil Facial Tumour Disease Workshop, Sir Raymond Ferrall Centre, University of Tasmania, Newnham, 14 October 2003, p. 2.
    6. ^ Experts tackle the devil's tumour, BBC News, 20 February 2007.
    7. ^ Study Finds That a Type of Cancer in Dogs Is Contagious,The Washington Post,2006年8月11日.于2006年8月11日查阅. 

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