
2020-07-24 13:10:01 作者: 有性侵、虐待

The document also requires education institutions to provide at least 20 training sessions for foreign staff on Chinese laws and teaching ethics before they take up employment.



Schools that illegally hire foreign teachers without the right qualifications can be fined up to 10,000 yuan (1,400 U.S. dollars) per teacher, and those who seriously violate regulations will have their business permits revoked.




不过, 在外语教学市场火爆的背后,也浮现出一些“外教乱象”:一些外语培训机构所聘请外教的基本资质、教学能力备受争议;还有一些外教的犯罪记录更是引发舆论哗然……

Demand for foreign teachers in China has grown in recent years amid a boom in English training centers and a push by academic institutions to internationalize their staff profile. Competitive salaries and benefit packages have attracted throngs of job seekers from abroad, but illegal hirings and a string of high-profile incidents involving foreign teachers have triggered public outcry and government crackdown.


Of the 400,000 foreign teachers working in China in 2017, only a third had a valid work permit, according to China's Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs.
