首页 > 投资理财 > 股票期货 > 什么样的投资者的个性在一衰退期间交让最有把握?

2008-09-25 01:32:55   来源:   点击:

    这是谁的人能够不要惊慌-沃伦巴菲特[经理伯克希尔哈撒韦公司的共同基金]是一个很好的例子。 They have a sense of value, they approach the market not as a gamble, but as a business phenomenon. 他们拥有的价值观念,他们的做法,市场不是一个赌博,但作为一种商业现象。 If the market fluctuates, they are not disturbed because they are operating on their own valuation. 如果市场波动,他们没有感到不安,因为他们经营自己的估价。 If they are buying an undervalued stock and the market collapses, they are happy because it gives them an opportunity to buy more when the price is even lower. 如果他们购买股票和低估了市场的崩溃,他们很高兴,因为它使他们有机会购买更多的时候价格甚至更低。 The ability to independently assess a stock and stick with it is probably the most important thing. 能够独立地评估股票和坚持,这可能是最重要的事情。

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